To AI or not to AI that is the question. Whether it is nobler in my mind to suffer the slings and arrows of criticism for not using AI to help me write multiple books and stories? Or by opposing AI to use words and phrases that reflect my own personal heart and soul?
The use of AI has almost become its own political platform. In the past month I have suffered a good number of emails and Facebook posts inviting me to use an AI developed specifically for writers. At the time of this writing, there is an AI summit, in which I was invited to attend for a mere $97. YouTube keeps suggesting videos on how to use AI. Teachers everywhere are forced to include in their lesson plan a class session around the ethics of AI use. Some educational institutions forbid their students from using AI while others encourage it.
I use ProWritingAid with my writing. It helps me with my spelling and punctuation. Periodically, I will look to it for suggestions as to the structure of a sentence. Sometimes I will use their suggestion and other times not.
Truth be told, my biggest help in writing comes from life experiences, my critique groups, and my editor, who verifies my spelling and overall idea.
Granted, I have passed my 71st birthday and I’m set in my ways. Some of my readers have told me they have seen poor stories come out of AI generated content.
As for now, I choose to write without the help of AI. My writings are mine, refined through collaboration with my critique group and editor.