2025 Resolutions

Inspiration, Difficulty, Hopelessness, Guilt

We are in a new year. Everyone has already made their resolutions for the next 365 days. The resolutions range from eating better to improved financial health. A few have used the new year to start saving for their dream vacation.

I recently was in conversation with an individual who repeats the very same New Years resolution every year. They get into February or March, the energy behind the resolution diminishes. Then the guilt sets in and they give up on their plans for a better more productive year.

Granted there are unforeseen circumstances that occur every year, but how we plow through them will make a big difference as to how we finish off the year.

The deciding factor for me is when I hit that wall of hopelessness. When that evil little voice in my head says, “You’ve done good so far, but you don’t have the energy to continue to the end of the year.”

There have been a few times, I heard that voice say, “You are too old and dumb. Give up. You will never reach your goals.” Admittedly, there have been times where I did give up. I had to suffer through the remainder of the year with the guilt associated with me giving up.

This year I have set three durable goals.

  1. Complete the three of the major unfinished stories.
  2. Submit twelve of my short stories to publications. Have four of them published.
  3. Post of EFWrites.com observation of movies, entertainment venues and events I have experienced.

My main goal for 2025 is to push pass the feeling of hopelessness and accomplish the three goals I have set to achieve.

What are your goals for 2025?

How do you plan not to fall into the hopelessness guilt trap?