When is a Star Trek movie not a Star Trek movie?
When its characters and spaceships look borrowed from other sci-fi movies and TV shows.
I have followed the Star Trek franchise since the early days in 1966. Over the years I have been mildly underwhelmed by some of the Star Trek franchise releases. But the latest movie (Section 31) has hit the bottom of the barrel for me.
On January 24th Paramount + released Section 31. In my optimistic way, I said, “the majority of viewers like to watch Star Trek on a screaming service.” Sadly, I got overwhelmed with vehement disappointment within the first few minutes. So much so, I had to finish it in two sittings.
The opening scene peaked my interest, from there, in my opinion, the movie went downhill. The space station looked like the design came from some grotesque piece of jewelry. The Section 31 members looked like they came from varying comic books. I had trouble in believing in a shape shifter, robot Vulcan with an alien inside, and a man in armor being part of the Star Trek universe.
Granted, Michelle Yeoh did her best as an anti-hero with the antagonist as her lover in another dimension. But her rejoining Section 31 and the doomsday device just didn’t work for me.
In my humble opinion this movie script should have been thrown into the trash and burned.
Maybe the reason Paramount released it directly to streaming was in hopes of recouping some of the money they lost on production, because they knew this movie was a turkey.
I pray the coming release of Star Fleet Academy will be a whole lot better.