Denver to Boise

Visiting a distant location gets our hearts pumping, and our brains refreshed from the excitement. There comes a time when returning home, we have to deal with one of two types of emotions. One the regret for leaving such a wonderful place we have experienced. Two the welcoming to return home and its routine.

A recent trip to Denver to assist my daughter’s move for grad school has allowed me to take a brief vacation in a city where I only passed through in mid-December 1972.

I chose a hotel in the historical district of downtown Denver, near to the state capital. While there, I marveled at the size and architecture of the Mile High City. That added to my pleasure that my one-day stay happened to be on the 147th anniversary of the state of Colorado becoming part of the United States.

In an effort to attract more tourists, most places try to make themselves a location where they have a love to do. I have never heard of Denver being a tourist location. During my quick visit, I had become overwhelmed with opportunities. On this trip, I did not allow myself the luxury to take in a fraction of what I could’ve seen and experienced.

Watching the interesting places pass in my bus ride from my hotel to Grand Central Station made me regret my quick visit. I marveled at the easy transfer to the train that whisked me to Denver International Airport. The view from that train invited me to the area’s wide-open spaces.

Granted from the train through TSA felt like a school of fishes headed in a predetermine direction. Going through TSA felt made me feel like a steer being herded through the process. The Denver TSA agent’s extremely politeness and courteousness made the process a pleasure. Even when I informed them about my pacemaker.

The two hours waiting for my return flight gave me time to explore the airport and people watch for future writing. My arrival back in Boise and my waiting ride made me feel happy to be back in Boise. Now I am ready to start the next chapter in my life.